Get The Lowdown On Treadmills Before You Buy
The treadmill was one of the first pieces of home fitness equipment appealing to walkers, joggers, runners and a wide range of people. Treadmills are often used in the home to save time and avoid the expense of going to a gym. Today, fitness equipment manufacturers are trying to meet the high demand for home exercise treadmills.
AC motors that are found in some treadmill units run at one continuous speed and rely on a transmission to regulate speed whereas units powered by DC motors use variable voltage to regulate the speed at which the belt spins. With treadmills you need to watch out for the impact involved when your feet hit the belt; your body absorbs up to two and a half times your body weight. For a standard treadmill motor look for HP of around 2.5HP, this will ensure an easy and smooth action.
Safety features on a treadmill are especially important if you plan to work out alone or if you have small children who might accidentally start up the treadmill. The console indicates the belt speed and other factors, such as heart rate, miles per hour, and distance. One of the key things to remember is that the larger motors tend to run cooler and usually require less repair and maintenance.
Quite a few of the treadmills available today have the ability to add an incline to your workout to duplicate running or walking uphill, thereby increasing the intensity of your workout. A heart rate monitor is a very good, useful feature to look for on a machine. The newest models of treadmills come with many extra features that you may not need.
A heart rate monitor enables a treadmill to automatically adjust the speed and/or the incline to keep your heart rate within the most optimum zone. Adjustable inclines let you vary the steepness of a hill.
Buying fitness equipment over the Internet has grown at a fast pace over the past few years. The more incline variation offered in a treadmill unit, the more expensive the model will be. Make sure to add the cost of shipping when buying a treadmill online; quality models can be heavy and shipping will cost more, but some manufacturers do offer free shipping.
Treadmill manufacturers are competing for your business and price wars are creating big savings for buyers. The taller a person is the longer their stride so you'll need to choose a treadmill with a longer and wider belt. One indication of the likely longevity of any treadmill is to check out the length of the manufacturer's warranty; the longer the better.
If you can afford to buy a treadmill with a heart rate monitor, it'll be a good investment in your health. Be careful not to believe the marketing hype if you're looking for a cheap treadmill; the truth is you get what you pay for. Warranties can last for ninety days or a lifetime, read the fine print.
You'll want a treadmill with an aluminum or high alloy steel frame that's strong enough to support the heaviest runner who'll be using it. A noisy treadmill can upset other family members or roommates and even your neighbors if you live in a duplex, apartment or condominium.
When planning your purchase always take into account any other members of your family, or roommates, who'll be using your treadmill. Be aware the better quality treadmills can cost as much as $5000 and have a lot of bells and whistles you don't need.
The lack of wind resistance makes running on a treadmill slightly easier than it would otherwise be on an equal elevation grade outdoors. More and more people every day are choosing to get healthier; the majority of beginning exercisers start out by just walking or jogging. Be careful, because any type of jogging or running, whether on a treadmill or not, puts strain on leg and hip joints. Make sure to see your doctor or naturopathic doctor before you start any new fitness or exercise program.