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Wednesday, December 08, 2010

New Year Fitness Resolutions

Time flies so fast. Before you know it another year has passed. If you're like most Americans, you probably have a New Year's resolution. The top ten resolutions of 2010 includes two entries related to fitness. One is to allot time for fitness and the other is to lose weight. With obesity on the rise, this is not surprising. People know that being overweight predisposes them to a lot of health problems. However, good intentions are not enough to keep your resolutions. Studies show that there is a 50% chance that your fitness resolution is going to fail. To help you achieve your fitness goals this year, here are some tips to consider.

Your goal has to be obtainable. Resolving to grow muscles as big as Schwarzenegger's is not realistic for most people. Likewise, attaining the body of a super model. Unrealistic goals make you abandon your resolutions. They have the power to disappoint and frustrate you. To avoid this, make attainable resolutions. Resolving to workout for 30 minutes 3 times a week is achievable. Be consistent and soon, working out will become a habit. Then you can build on it as you go along.

When you resolve to lose weight, try to be more specific. Think about the number of pounds you want to lose. Being specific makes your resolutions more real. It helps you make a plan that will get you where you want to be. Best of all, it will enable you to break your goals down and track your progress better. For example, your resolution is to lose 20 pounds by year's end. Twenty pounds is quite intimidating. But if you divide it by 48 weeks, you only need to lose half a pound per week. That means you only need a calorie deficit of 1750 calories per week. That's only a 250 calorie deficit a day.

Make a plan on how to achieve your fitness goals. Write down the details of your diet and fitness regimen. Seek the help of a professional if needed. Be prepared for occasional snags in your resolution plans. You cannot expect the road to fitness to be smooth all along. Instead, make plans to overcome whatever sets you back. If you happened to overeat and forgot to workout, don't stress over it. You're human and you make mistakes. Dwelling on these setbacks can only make you frustrated. Get over it and get right back to the game. Your goals can only be achieved if you do not give up.

Sticking to your fitness resolutions will not be easy. That's why less than 50% are successful in making their resolutions work. Having an obtainable goal and a specific plan will help you reach your fitness goals. Having a firm commitment to your fitness goal will ensure your success.

Over at the FitnessArmory.com, you can let our expert advice on fitness and equipment reviews help you create the perfect home gym but without all the huge costs. We have the exclusive reviews on all your favorite brands and models to help you get in shape, get healthy and look great. Recent product reviews include: Proform 290 SPX Exercise Bike, Proform Live Exercise Bike. We invite you to stop by or drop us a line if you have any questions or need help with your fitness equipment selections.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Warrington


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