Save Money With Hot Treadmill Buying Tips
One of the most popular, if not the most popular, pieces of home exercise equipment today is the treadmill. Treadmills are designed to enhance the most popular form of exercise - walking, jogging and running. Treadmills are simple to use, but can be dangerous in the wrong hands or around children.
Some treadmills fold up for easy storage which makes them an ideal choice for those with limited space in a small apartment, small house or condo. Always choose a belt width that's at least of 16 " ands long enough to accommodate your stride. A well-constructed treadmill is a piece of home exercise equipment that every member of your family can enjoy.
Display panels should be easy to read and straightforward to operate. One feature that is absolutely necessary in a home treadmill is an emergency stop button or a safety key that automatically shuts off the power if you should stumble, trip or fall. People, who don't have enough room for a bulky exercise machine, may want to consider a folding treadmill; they collapse to allow for easy storage.
Some treadmills monitor your heart by way of sensors built into the frame that are gripped by your hands, but can only be done if you're walking not running.
A heart rate monitor enables a treadmill to automatically adjust the speed and/or the incline to keep your heart rate within the most optimum zone. Adjustable inclines let you vary the steepness of a hill.
One of the key things to remember is that the larger motors tend to run cooler and usually require less repair and maintenance. The deck is the belt area on which actual running, jogging and walking take place.
When buying a treadmill, the best savings will be for an online purchase, generally saving up to 45% over brick and mortar stores. Warranties can last for ninety days or a lifetime, read the fine print. Less expensive treadmill models may be fine for walkers but may not hold up as well for regular or seasoned runners.
One indication of the likely longevity of any treadmill is to check out the length of the manufacturer's warranty; the longer the better. You'll probably want to buy a unit with a motor that delivers 1.5 to 3 continuous, not peak, horsepower. Make sure to add the cost of shipping when buying a treadmill online; quality models can be heavy and shipping will cost more, but some manufacturers do offer free shipping.
The more incline variation offered in a treadmill unit, the more expensive the model will be. Your club commercial machine may be may be a good choice in a home version; you're already familiar with its features and probably are comfortable using it. The first thing to consider when shopping for a home treadmill is what you need it to do for you.
Be careful not to believe the marketing hype if you're looking for a cheap treadmill; the truth is you get what you pay for. Treadmill manufacturers are competing for your business and price wars are creating big savings for buyers.
If you're looking for a heavy-duty treadmill that can withstand running as well as walking, be prepared to spend more money. It's definitely possible to find a good model that's not very popular, but is still a good buy.
More and more people every day are choosing to get healthier; the majority of beginning exercisers start out by just walking or jogging. To get even more workouts, think about making your treadmill into a walking, working office by adding a mini-platform to the side rails.
Better quality treadmills provide excellent cushioning to limit the impact on knees, ankles, hips and lower backs. Running or walking on a treadmill is an effective way to workout compared to other more complex cardiovascular exercises.
Besides spending your money on a treadmill make sure you spend time on it! Spend some time shopping around; work out exactly what you need, and then shop online and offline for the best price. Read the various treadmill ratings and treadmill reviews that you find online so you have an idea which models are best for you.