Wheelchair Lifts for Vehicle and Home Use
Wheelchair lifts aid the transportation of an electric or power wheelchair into a vehicle. There is a wide selection of wheelchair lifts available ranging from mechanical models to fully-assisted electric types where all the person has to do is push a button.
There are some wheelchair lifts that carry the wheelchair fastened on a hitch on the vehicle’s rear while there are other types that can lift the unit into the trunk or back of the vehicle. You need to make sure that the type of wheelchair lift you purchase will work with your vehicle. Each individual will have different needs so it is best to ask advice from experts.
They will be able to tell you if the combination of your vehicle make and model is suitable to the wheelchair lift you plan to use. If you are planning to purchase online, most vendors will have information about purchasing wheelchair lifts that can help you make your choice.
Most manual wheelchair lifts can be installed without professional help and by just one person. To install manual lift, simply slide it into a hitch on your vehicle’s back. Installing electric or power wheelchair lifts may need the services of a reputable car mechanic as installation usually involves some drilling into the vehicle’s trunk and, possibly, wiring of the unit to the vehicle’s battery. You can check available installation services with a vendor prior to making your purchase.
Aside from wheelchair lifts for vehicles there are wheelchair lifts for home use that can benefit people on a wheelchair. A domestic wheelchair lift, also known as a vertical lift or platform lift, can be installed in any downstairs area where it can move vertically through a space in the ceiling to reach a room above. The lift can be parked at either the ground or upper level when not in use. These wheelchair lifts have fire safety features, and emergency back-up systems in case of a power failure.
Enclosed vertical wheelchair lifts are the ones suitable for use with an attendant or any standing person inside the cabin. You can also consider installing multi-purpose seats and a powered door. These wheelchair lifts also feature a fixed slightly inclined ramp for easy access. Consider the types with free-standing design, which allows installation in different kinds of location.
The vertical wheelchair lift will be flat-packed when delivered for easy transportation and entry into your home. Installation of the unit is typically part of the vendor’s customer service.