Exercise Treadmills Used For Stress Tests
When a doctor wishes to evaluate a patient's heart function, he or she usually orders a stress test on a treadmill. While there are a number of diagnostic tools that a doctor can use, including an alternate to the treadmill stress test, the most common stress test uses a treadmill. During the stress test, which is also sometimes called a treadmill test, the patient is hooked up to monitors that track the heart's activity. The patient begins walking slowly on the treadmill. The speed is gradually increased as is the incline creating an effect similar to that of going up a hill. The patient may be asked to breathe into a tube periodically. After the test is completed, the patient is instructed to sit down so that their heart and blood pressure can be checked.
Medical treadmills that are used in hospitals are often different from a home treadmill. They typically have handles that extend to the end of the treadmill so that those who are walking the treadmill can hold on to the bar, regardless of where they are on the treadmill. The medical treadmill also has an emergency stop function. Many exercise treadmills also have this feature as well.
Exercise treadmills are used by hospitals and cardiologists as a tool to not only evaluate, but also to use as a form of therapy for patients. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise for strengthening the cardiovascular system. Walking a treadmill just three times a week for thirty minutes per session will improve your cardiac function and make you healthier. An exercise treadmill, such as those found at Treadmill World can be very useful at home. On the days when it is not viable to walk outside, you can use your home treadmill to keep up your exercise routine and your healthy exercise habits.
The exercise treadmills that are used in hospitals for stress tests and physical therapy can also be used in your home. These treadmills have special features such as a walking base that can incline to simulate walking up a hill. They also have varied speed functions so that you can walk, walk briskly, jog and run all while on the treadmill. Some models also have an emergency stop that attaches to the person who is walking on the treadmill and in the control pad of the treadmill. If they fall of get too close to the far end of the treadmill, the plug comes out and the treadmill comes to an immediate stop.
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